RPP Privacy Briefs: January 2019

McLean Hospital Corporation in Belmont, Massachusetts, has agreed to pay $75,000 to resolve claims that it exposed the personal and health information of more than 1,500 people, state attorney general Maura Healey announced. According to the complaint, McLean, a psychiatric hospital, lost four unencrypted backup computer tapes containing personal and health information of patients, employees and deceased donors of the Harvard Brain Tissue Resource Center when a terminated employee failed to return them. The complaint alleges that McLean allowed that employee to regularly take home eight unencrypted backup tapes containing personal and health information before she was terminated. She returned four of the tapes, but the hospital wasn’t able to recover the other four. As part of the settlement, McLean has agreed to implement and maintain a written information security program, provide mandatory training, encrypt all electronic portable devices, and create and maintain an inventory of those devices. Read more at https://bit.ly/2GTBTli.

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