Draft Strategy to Reduce IT Burdens Calls for Guidance on Part 2 Regs

HHS is seeking comments through the end of this month on a 74-page draft report, “Strategy on Reducing Regulatory and Administrative Burden Relating to the Use of Health IT and [Electronic Health Records] EHRs,” produced as required under the 21st Century Cures Act.

As the report explains, the Cures Act amended the 2009 HITECH Act to add a section titled “Assisting Doctors and Hospitals in Improving Quality of Care for Patients.” Under this, HHS is required to “articulate a plan of action to reduce regulatory and administrative burden relating to the use of health IT and EHRs. Specifically, the Cures Act directs HHS to: (1) establish a goal for burden reduction relating to the use of EHRs; (2) develop a strategy for meeting that goal; and (3) develop recommendations to meet the goal.”

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