Six tips from a yogi for ethics and compliance professionals

Katerina Tapas ( is an ethics senior consultant for Allstate Insurance Company and teaches yoga and meditation in Northbrook, Illinois, USA. [1]

Scott Eblin spoke at the 2018 Compliance & Ethics Institute and included some thought-provoking questions about what helps us be at our best. He asked the audience to consider categories like mental, spiritual, physical, and relational. As ethics and compliance professionals, we routinely find ourselves under stress. There is always a deadline to meet. Some days you need to switch gears in an instant because someone did something questionable and your expertise is needed. Sometimes doubt creeps in on whether we are on the right track. We ask ourselves: “Does this PowerPoint deck say what I need it to say?” “Are my numbers right?” And a host of other questions and situations that have a way of building stress.

Outside of my role as an ethics professional, I teach mindfulness meditation and yoga. I have found my yoga training very useful as an ethics professional. As a yogi, I offer these six tips to ethics and compliance professionals everywhere.

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