Privacy Briefs: September 2018

◆ The National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) has released the final version of the National Institute of Standards and Technology practice guide to securing wireless infusion pumps. “Although connecting infusion pumps to point-of-care medication systems and electronic health records can improve healthcare delivery processes, this can also increase cybersecurity risk, which could lead to operational or safety risks,” according to NCCoE. “Tampering, intentional or otherwise, with the wireless infusion pump ecosystem can expose [a healthcare delivery organization] enterprise to serious risk factors, such as: access by malicious actors; a breach of protected health information; loss or disruption of healthcare services; and damage to an organization’s reputation, productivity, and bottom-line revenue.” The guide provides best practices and detailed guidance on how to manage assets, protect against threats and mitigate vulnerabilities. Download the guide or view it online at

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