Advisory committee

7 U.S. Code § 87j. Advisory committee

(a) Establishment; number and terms of members
Not later than ninety days after October 24, 1988, the Secretary shall establish an advisory committee to provide advice to the Secretary with respect to implementation of this chapter consistent with the declarations of policy in section 74 of this title. The advisory committee shall consist of fifteen members, appointed by the Secretary, who represent the interests of all segments of the grain producing, processing, storing, merchandising, consuming, and exporting industries, including grain inspection and weighing agencies and scientists with expertise in research related to the policies established in section 74 of this title. Members of the advisory committee shall be appointed to three-year terms, except that of the initial fifteen members of the advisory committee first appointed following the enactment of this section, five shall be appointed for terms of one year and five shall be appointed for terms of two years. No member of the advisory committee may serve successively for more than 2 terms.
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