Taking a mental health day

Lynda S. Hilliard (lyndahilliard@hotmail.com) is Principal of Hilliard Compliance Consulting in Mount Shasta, CA.

There’s too much going on! The pressures of work, family, personal commitments, and other stressors are weighing us all down. We had a nice break during the holidays, but that seems like months ago! What can we do to rejuvenate and revitalize our outlook and attitude on what we are trying to accomplish?

Well, in the old days, we took a “mental health” day — a day just to ourselves for resting, exercising, getting a massage, just being, or just breathing. We need to do that more often. We need to treat our mental health like we do our physical health. Negativity breeds more negativity and leads to less productive and creative work. A fresh outlook and renewed commitment to our goals, objectives, and passions is what is needed.

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