Sino-US and EU-US trade wars continue to cause hardship for manufacturers

The year-long trade conflict between the U.S. and China has caused a number of economic casualties.[1]North American farmers have struggled, as they watched their primary market for soy and pork disappear,[2] but manufacturers across all sectors have suffered.[3]

Although large retailers, such as Target Corporation, have vowed to pass on new costs to their suppliers,[4] as opposed to consumers, other companies have reacted in different ways. Electronics companies have sought to diversify and shift supply chains away from China[5] ; while U.S. manufacturers that predicted heavy sales — such as the automotive, electronics[6] and raw material sectors — are finding ways to curb excess supply and not get stuck with a glut of inventory, now that China is not as viable a market. Thousands of companies have applied for exemptions from tariffs.[7]

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