National Compliance Officer Day is September 26

2 minute read

Did you know that National Compliance Officer Day is recognized annually on September 26?[1]

Compliance Officer Day was founded in 2016 by SAI Global—now SAI360—to honor the challenging work of compliance professionals in the United States. September 26 was selected specifically because it was the first day of the Society for Corporate Compliance and Ethics (SCCE) 15th Annual Compliance and Ethics Institute, where National Compliance Officer Day was launched.[2] SCCE is the sister organization of the Health Care Compliance Association.

The registrar for the National Day Calendar—which recognizes fun, unusual, and unique national days—declared that National Compliance Officer Day would be observed on September 26 each year.[3] In 2022, Compliance Officer Day was expanded internationally in recognition of the work and challenges compliance officers faced during COVID-19.[4]

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