Making audit your best friend

Sam Abadir ( is Vice President of Industry Solutions at Lockpath Inc. in Overland Park, Kansas, USA.

Make the audit department my best friend, you say? That may seem like an awkward proposition if you’ve grown to dread visits from auditors. Auditors have ended up in a category of people we’d rather not spend time with, yet they fill essential roles that keep us on track and away from various disasters. So why don’t we like to see them coming? Typically, it’s because they disrupt our work and provide feedback that we may not agree with.

Changing the dynamics of your relationship with auditors is possible and can establish a fruitful collaboration going forward. To foster this relationship, business units should bring in internal audit on a regular basis so that both groups can get on the same page about goals, processes, regulatory and safety requirements, policies, audit procedures, and dates. This not only makes your life a lot easier when the auditors come knocking, but also makes it possible for internal audit to fulfill its responsibilities with more understanding and context, which in turn will benefit the business in many ways. Sounds like a better cycle than dread, avoid, delay, repeat—doesn’t it?

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