Courts Have Raised Stakes of Board Oversight, Settlements Have Followed

While attending a conference on boards of directors years ago, consultant Steven Ortquist met a “professional” board member who said he wouldn’t accept a seat on a board anymore unless it had a committee exclusively for compliance oversight. “It wasn’t enough to have an audit committee,” said Ortquist, founder of Arete Compliance Solutions in Arizona. “He saw the writing on the wall.”

The writing on the wall turned out to be recent changes in Delaware case law that have made board members everywhere more vulnerable to personal liability. “What the law says these days is if a director sees red flags or an indication there are problems, the director has an obligation to take action to address those problems,” Ortquist said.

Compliance officers and boards of directors everywhere should take note of these developments. “If you’re not organized or located in Delaware, it doesn’t matter. Courts in your state look to Delaware case law to decide how to manage your case,” he explained. And it affects board member obligations whether the organization is for-profit, nonprofit or venture-capital backed—“whoever you are, these things are in play for you.”

That’s why it’s a good time for boards to reassess how they meet their obligation to provide oversight of the compliance program, Ortquist said at a Sept. 6 webinar sponsored by the Health Care Compliance Association. There have been large-dollar settlements in lawsuits against boards of directors in the wake of enforcement actions against their companies. “Boards are put in the position that they or their insurers decide it makes more sense to settle as a result of derivative litigation,” he noted.

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